Sunday, October 1, 2017

The Paganized Israeli Cancer

For all you Judaized Evangelicals who have been yanked around by your ignorant superstitions, literally controlled by the Mossad's agents, the NeoCons and the American Revivalists. Bluntly, most of you are too stupid to watch this video and comprehend what is happening and these guys are your masters, who over the years have had a huge impact on your perceptions of American Politics, whether YOU realize it or not. And American Politics and AMERICA are secondary concerns for them.

Both of these guys ADMIT, that they met as teens, in a MOSSAD ZIONIST youth camp in upstate New York. They are BOTH dual citizens of the U.S. and Israel (an institution that has to be SMASHED). They represent a CANCER on American society called Israel. WE, the U.S. have served as the womb and the nurse for the PAGAN state of Israel. It has been a huge burden and LOSS.

When you watch this, realize that Alan Dershowitz represents the Trotskyite Globalists and Noam Chompsky represents the Marxist Globalists and both represent a Zionist Cancer on our Society, the insanity of DUAL loyalties, and DUAL citizenship. Also, realize that the young fellows who ask questions, dressed in "striped shirts" are Mossad agents. This is high Zionist Theatre, provided by Harvard University. Nothing they discuss has any relevance to any HONEST non-brainwashed, non-Dual Citizen, American Citizen. Except, except, that ZIONIST powers have been raping America for 60 Plus years.



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